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Learn More

Do you want more information about Classical Christian Education (CCE)? Watch these short videos for a better insight on our approach to education.

Teaching Styles

Our model of education is traditional. It is the way that children have been learning for years and can turn something that might potentially be a disability in a regular education setting, into a capability that allows them to thrive in their every day lives!

What makes us unique?

From our academic calendar, to our curriculum, TCCA is the most unique educational experience in the Eastern Panhandle.

Classical Christian Education

Is the Classical Christian Model the right fit for your child? Learn more about CCE in this short video.

What should a Christian school look like?

If Christ is Creator and Redeemer, shouldn't faith infiltrate education more deeply? 

Creating Godly Lives For Students

The Classical Christian Model is concerned about equipping your child with the tools they need for a godly life, instead of just preparing them for the marketplace. Learn more about how CCE can help serve your family.

GPS vs. Compass Approach

CCE takes more of a compass approach, not dictating the direction like a GPS but assisting each student in the correct direction of their life.

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